If you want your greeting card to attract customers, give it some character — make something memorable and maybe even mantle-worthy.
Cecily Kellogg
Hosting an event? Saying “thank you” to sponsors, gift givers, or colleagues? Wishing your customers a happy holiday season? Make your message more personal and meaningful with custom-designed greeting cards, invitations, and thank you notes.
Crystal Ball 2014 Invite
Crystal Ball 2014 Invite
The theme for the 2014 annual Crystal Ball for the Meritus Healthcare Foundation was The Great Gatsby. This is the invitation we designed for the event.City-EDC Gift Cards
City-EDC Gift Cards
Gift card designs for the City of Hagerstown, promoting the City's downtown, shopping, and dining districts, as well as designs suitable for winter holidays and spring.Citi Invites
Citi Invites
Invitation design for Citi.Triad 2009 Holiday Card
Triad 2009 Holiday Card
2009 holiday card illustration and design for Triad Engineering.Wedding Time Invitation.
Wedding Time Invitation.
Custom illustrated wedding invitation postcard with an Adventure Time theme. Featured on Buzzfeed and When Geeks Wed.Phrolic with the Pheasants Invite
Phrolic with the Pheasants Invite
Illustration and invitation design for Carroll County Child Care's Phrolic with the Pheasants event.MSO Invites
MSO Invites
Invitation design for the Maryland Symphony Orchestra.Brook Lane Invite
Brook Lane Invite
Illustration and invitation design for Brook Lane's 3rd Annual Wicket Affair Garden Party.Goodwill Retirement Save the Date
Goodwill Retirement Save the Date
A save the date retirement celebration postcard for Horizon Goodwill.Triad Engineering 2013 Greeting Card
Triad Engineering 2013 Greeting Card
Design of 2013 winter greeting card for Triad Engineering.Crystal Ball 2016 Invitation cards
Crystal Ball 2016 Invitation cards
Triad 2010 Holiday Card
Triad 2010 Holiday Card
2010 holiday card illustration and design for Triad Engineering.GI Jive Invitations and RSVP cards
GI Jive Invitations and RSVP cards
Triad 2012 Holiday Card
Triad 2012 Holiday Card
2012 holiday card illustration and design for Triad Engineering.Feaste & Frolic Invite
Feaste & Frolic Invite
Invitation design for the 2014 Feaste & Frolic at the University System of Maryland at Hagerstown campus.